FSA Fire is ‘n registreerde diens firma vir alle brand toerusting. Ons stuur voertuie na kliënte se persele en blussers word op site gediens.
Ons verskaf ook die nodige brand toerusting en basiese noodhulp toerusting vir huishoudelike en kommersiële gebruik.
Kostes vir diens van brandblussers vir gemeenskap forums @ R 70.00 per diens per blusser. Addisionele kostes sal geheg word vir die vervanging/hervul van brandbluessers met poeier @ R 22.00.
Reëlings kan getref word dat blussers op ‘n sentrale plek gediens word in die woonbuurt.
FSA Fire is a registered service firm for all fire equipment where we send vehicles to customers’ premises and extinguishers are serviced on site.
We also provide the necessary use fire equipment and basic first aid equipment for domestic and commercial.
Prices for the service of fire extinguishers for community forums @ 70.00 per service per extinguisher. Additional costs will be added for the replacement / refill of fire extinguishers with powder @ R 22:00.
Arrangements can be made for extinguishers to be serviced at central location in the neighbourhood.
Agenda Minutes Chairman’s Report SAPS Report Voting Results
May 2020 April 2020 March 2020
Lock down Gazettes & Regulations for download Government Gazette No 43258 (Classification of Regulations) Government Gazette No 43257 (Dept Employment & Labour) Lockdown Levels – Schedule of Services Level 3 Lockdown Regulations
February 2020 November 2019 Sep/Oct 2019 August 2019 May 2019